I wanted to offer the hair of my son too. We reached the Hill by 11.30 PM. My husband received me and he took us to the place where hair is to be given. My husband used to be very tensed and he wanted everything to happen quickly. My son was half asleep...hurriedly my husband woke up those who slept already and asked them for hair cut. I was just a bit worried because Poomudi is normally given after wrapping the tip of hair by flower which I was not prepared for. But in urgency everything was happening and I recited Govinda Govinda as instructed and hair was offered. When I just took my hair in front to see how much hair was cut I noticed the big red rose kept in the rubberband which I tied in the tip. Yes actually it has come from the Lord.In the morning before going to office I visited Tirupathi Devasthanam temple nearby and I got the flower kept at the HEART of the Lord which is very rare because normally we don't get flower prasad directly. And never I used to keep flowers at the tip and that day since I had some flowers already on my head I searched for a place and then tied it around the tip. See how beautifully and perfectly Lord expresses His Love.
And that day I bought three four dozens of bangles.After returning to Chennai I asked my home assistant to take whatever colour she desires and also I gave to the woman who used to give flowers to me. I asked them to keep one dozen bangle for me after taking their desired colours. I totally forgot about it too.
On 8th August being a Sunday we went to buy a saree for me for my birthday today...in Sri krishna at T.Nagar. I am not much into saree selection just I took one peacock colour saree and we were back home.
To my wonder it exactly matched the bangle I got from Tirupathi (see photo) even the design colour combination... everything reflecting the beautiful gift of LORD! When I showed it to my home assistant she was excited Akka really U R gifted ..the LORD specially cares you. I said ...No the LORD specially cares everyone of us which we are not aware and receptive. Subtle are HIS ways and if only we place our heart in what all we do we receive HIM in full Love!