Sunday, July 13, 2014

It is long time since I step in to the blog.Like an observer without words I am lost into the magnanimous love which enfolds & carries me through. Each and every event is a miracle by which I am spellbound to say. To think of & share about past events matters nothing since each moment is renewing itself. But I wish to speak ...I touch one thing... do not complete it...yes I do not know how to gather & present. There were flowers blooming all around. I do not know how to collect & present it as a garland. Each & every day HIS unfailing love makes my heart silent with wonder.

I present here what has happened a week before. My cousin sister's son who is with us is getting transferred to our native place. When he told this I was thinking...if we would be in our native place all around is our relatives & any help we could rightfully demand. But being in city even with neighbours we request with hesitation. A thought came & within a day I got a call from an advocate. He has got my number from one of my cousin & called me.Ultimately we found that our grand mothers were sisters.Very close relatives we were. He is very affectionate & his house & office is also in the same locality where I am.To my surprise just 27 days we differ by age, same star & same age. My heart was wonder struck with the Love of my Lord. How powerful is HIS Love by which HE makes us eternely indebted!

You Know last Friday I woke-up with the words arising from within "MY WISH SHOULD BE YOUR OPTICALS"

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